My Account
You can log in to your account by clicking Log In on our homepage.
After logging in, click on the Holds tab.
Library Cards
A valid library card is one that has not expired and has accrued no fines and fees.
Residents of Webb County, Texas, non-residents who live in Webb County, Texas by reason of school attendance, and non-residents who pay property taxes in Webb County, Texas will be issued regular Library cards. Eligible non-residents must provide proof of residence, school
attendance or property ownership (Such as a current student photo ID or current tax receipt) plus a photo ID.
Temporary cards, Institutional cards, TexShare cards, E-cards, and Homebound cards can also be issued but may have different requirements.
Yes, library cards expire every year on the anniversary of the account registration date. E-cards will not be renewed and expire within one year of registration.
Borrowing from the Library
Yes. If you lose or forget your card, you may purchase a full replacement for $5.00 or a single day pass for $1.00.
Total items limited to thirty-two (32) in any combination from the Main Library (may include up to three (3) CDs and five (5) DVDs, two (2) video games, one (1) Launchpad, and one (1) kit. Branch libraries may have different limits.
Video games, Launchpads, and kits must be checked out by someone age 18 years or older.
Your library card allows you to borrow books, e-books, e-audiobooks, CDs, DVDs, and other materials as available. Your library card also provides access to our electronic resources.
Fines & Fees
Books and audiobooks are $0.35 per day. DVDs, kits, Launchpads, and Video games are $1.00 per day.
No, fines cannot currently be paid online. Fines and fees can be paid in person at any Laredo Public Library branch. LPL only accepts cash, money orders, and personal checks.
Computers & Technology
Yes, WiFi is available at all library locations.
No, we only print in black and white.
You can print at any desktop at any of our branches. Prints cost .10 cents, one-sided, and only in black and white.